

词汇 connection
释义 *connection
/kəˈnekʃn ||; kəˈnɛkʃən/noun[C]
1 a connection between A and B;a connection with/to sth an association or relationship between two or more people or things 关联;关系: Is there any connection between the two organizations? 这两个组织之间是否有关联呢?What's your connection with Brazil? Have you worked there? 你跟巴西有什么关系?你是不是在那里工作过?
2 a place where two wires, pipes, etc join together (两根电线、管子等的)接合点,接合面: The radio doesn't work. There must be a loose connection somewhere. 这收音机不响了。一定是哪里接头松了。
3 a bus, train, plane, etc that leaves soon after another arrives (提供中转服务的)联运交通工具: Our bus was late so we missed our connection. 我们的公共汽车误点了,赶不上接乘的班车。
in connection with sb/sth(formal 正式) about or concerning 关于;有关: I am writing to you in connection with your application. 有关你的申请,现回复如下。 in this/that connection(formal 正式) about or concerning this/that 关于这╱那方面




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