

词汇 portion
释义 portion
/ˈpɔ:ʃn ||; ˈpɔrʃən/noun [C] a portion (of sth)
1 a part or share of sth (某物的)一部份,一份: What portion of your salary goes on tax? 你薪金中有多少用来付税款呢?We must both accept a portion of the blame. 我们两人都必须负部份责任。
2 an amount of food for one person (especially in a restaurant) (食物的)一份,一客(尤指在餐馆里): Could we have two extra portions of chips, please? 麻烦你,我们想多要两份炸马铃薯条。 ☞Look at helping. 参看helping




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