

词汇 poorly
释义 poorly¹
/ˈpɔ:li; US ˈpʊərlɪ ||; ˈpυrlɪ/adv not well; badly 拙劣;不足: a poorly paid job 待遇很差的工作
/ˈpɔ:li ||; ˈpυrlɪ/adj (Brit 英) (informal 非正式) not well; ill 身体不适;健康欠佳;有病的: I'm feeling a bit poorly. 我感到有点不舒服。
/pɒp ||; pɑp/noun
1 [U] (also pop music) modern music that is most popular among young people 流行音乐: a pop group 流行乐队 ☞Look at jazz, rock and classical. 参看jazzrockclassical
2 [C] a short sudden sound like a small explosion 短促的爆裂声;砰(的一声);啪(的一声): There was a loud pop as the champagne cork came out of the bottle. 香槟酒瓶塞打开时,响亮地发出啪的一声。




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