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词汇 make
释义 *make¹
/meɪk ||; mek/verb (past tense past participle made /meɪd ||; med/)
1 [T] to produce or create sth 生产;制造;创造: to make bread 烘制面包This model is made of steel, and that one is made out ofused matches. 这个模型是用钢制成的,那个模型是以用过的火柴梗制成的。Cheese is made from milk. 干酪是用牛奶制成的。Those cars are made in Slovakia. 那些汽车是斯洛伐克制造的。Shall I make you a sandwich/make a sandwich for you? 我要不要给你做一份三明治?to make a hole in sth 在某物上挖个洞to make a law/rule 制定法律╱规则to make a movie 拍电影
2 [T] (used with nouns 与名词连用) to perform a certain action 做某行动: to make a mistake 犯错to make a guess/comment/statement/suggestion 猜一下;发表评论;发表声明;提出建议to make progress 取得进步I've made an appointment to see the doctor. 我已经约好去看医生。
Often there is a verb with a similar form, for example decide = make a decision. If you use ‘make’ + noun, you can use an adjective with it He made the right decision. They made a generous offer. 通常都有一个形式相似的动词,如decide = make a decision。如果用make +名词,可在名词前面加上形容词:He made the right decision.他作出了正确的决定。·They made a generous offer.他们提出了一个优厚的价钱。
3 [T] to cause a particular effect, feeling, situation, etc 引起,导致(某种效果、感受、情况等): The film made me cry. 看这部电影使我哭起来。Flying makes him nervous. 坐飞机使他紧张。Her remarks made the situation worse. 她的话使情况更坏。I'll make it clear to him that we won't pay. 我要向他讲明白,我们是不会付钱的。 Make sure you lock the car. 要确保汽车已经锁好。You don't need to know much of a language to make yourself understood. 要用一种语言表达自己的意思,不一定要精通那种语言。to make trouble/a mess/a noise 制造麻烦;弄得乱七八糟;发出噪音
4 [T] to force sb/sth to do sth 迫使: You can't make her come with us if she doesn't want to. 如果她不想来,你也不能强迫她跟我们一起来。They made him wait at the police station all day. 他们要他整天在警察局里等候。
In the passive we must use to He was made to wait at the police station. 被动语态必须用to: He was made to wait at the police station.他被迫在警察局里等候。
5 [T] used with money, numbers and time (与金钱、数字或时间连用): How much do you think he makes(= earns)a month? 你认为他一个月挣多少钱?to make a lot of money 挣许多钱5 and 7 make 12. 5加7等于12。‘What's the time?’ ‘I make it 6.45.’ “现在几点钟?”“我看是6点45分。”
6 linking verb to make sb/sth become sth; to have the right qualities to become sth 使成为;可成为: She was made(= given the job of)President. 她被选为总统。You can borrow some money this time, but don't make a habit of it. 这回你可以借点钱,但不要成为习惯。Karen explains things very clearly -- she'd make a good teacher. 卡伦解释事情很清楚,她会成为一名好老师。
7 linking verb to become sth; to achieve sth 成为;达到: I'm hoping to make head of department by the time I'm thirty. 到三十岁的时候,我希望能成为部门主管。
8 to manage to reach a place or go somewhere 抵达,去(某地): We should make Bristol by about 10. 我们应该可以在10时左右抵达布里斯托尔。I can't make the meeting next week. 我不能出席下星期的会议。
make do with sth to use sth that is not good enough because nothing better is available 将就使用;用某种东西勉强应付: If we can't get limes, we'll have to make do with lemons. 如果我们没有酸橙,只好将就一下用柠檬。 make it to manage to do sth; to succeed 办成;成功: She'll never make it as an actress. 她永远也当不成出色的演员。He's badly injured -- it looks like he might not make it(= survive). 他伤得很厉害,看样子可能活不成了。 make the most of sth to get as much pleasure, profit, etc as possible from sth 充分利用某事物: You won't get another chance -- make the most of it! 你不会有另一次机会─好好把握啊! For other expressions with make, look at the noun and adjective entries, for example, for make amends look at amends. 其他含make的词语,参看有关名词及形容词词条,如make amends可参看词条amendsmake for sb/sth to move towards sb/sth 朝…移动或走 make for sth to help or allow sth to happen 有助于、造成或促进某事发生: Arguing all the time doesn't make for a happy marriage. 经常争吵不利于维系美满的婚姻。 be made for sb/each other to be well suited to sb/each other 非常适合协调;天造地设: Jim and Alice seem made for each other. 吉姆和艾丽斯真似天生一对。 make sb/sth into sb/sth to change sb/sth into sb/sth 使变成;使转变为: She made her spare room into an office. 她把她家那个多余的房间改成办公室。 make sth of sb/sth to understand the meaning or nature of sb/sth 懂得;理解: What do you make of Colin's letter? 科林的信你看得明白吗? make off (with sth)(informal 非正式) to leave or escape in a hurry, for example after stealing sth 匆忙离开,逃走(如偷了东西后): Someone's made off with my wallet! 有人偷走了我的钱包! make sb/sth out
1 to understand sb/sth 理解;明白: I just can't make him out. 我真的没法了解他。
2 to be able to see or hear sb/sth; to manage to read sth 看出;听出;辨认出: I could just make out her signature. 她的签名我勉强辨认得出来。
make out that...; make yourself out to be sth to say that sth is true and try to make people believe it 声称;企图使人相信: He made out that he was a millionaire. 他声称自己是百万富翁。She's not as clever as she makes herself out to be. 她并不像她自己所说的那么聪明。 make (yourself/sb) up to put powder, colour, etc on your/sb's face to make it look attractive (为自己或某人)化妆 make sth up
1 to form sth 构成;组成: the different groups that make up our society 组成我们这个社会的不同群体
2 to invent sth, often sth that is not true 编造;造;虚构: to make up an excuse 编造借口
3 to make a number or an amount complete; to replace sth that has been lost 补充;补足;凑足: We need one more person to make up our team. 我们还需要多一个人才可以凑足一队。
make up for sth to do sth that corrects a bad situation 补救;弥补: Her enthusiasm makes up for her lack of experience. 她的热诚弥补了她的经验不足。 make it up to sb(informal 非正式) to do sth that shows that you are sorry for what you have done to sb or that you are grateful for what he/she has done for you 向某人赔罪;报答或酬谢某人: You've done me a big favour. How can I make it up to you? 你帮了我大忙,我怎样才能报答你呢? make (it) up (with sb) to become friends again after an argument 和好;和解;言归于好: Has she made it up with him yet? 她跟他和解了没有?
/meɪk ||; mek/noun [C] the name of the company that produces sth 牌子: ‘What make is your television?’ ‘It's a Sony.’ “你的电视机是什么牌子?”“索尼。” on the make always trying to make money for yourself, especially in a dishonest way 追求个人利益(尤指以不正当的办法): The country is being ruined by politicians on the make. 这个国家快要毁在那些追名逐利的政客手里。




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