

词汇 harsh
释义 harsh
/hɑ:ʃ ||; hɑrʃ/adj
1 very strict and unkind 严苛的;无情的: a harsh punishment/criticism 严厉的处罚╱批评The judge had some harsh words for the journalist's behaviour. 这个记者的行为受到了法官的严厉批评。
2 unpleasant and difficult to live in, look at, listen to, etc (环境)恶劣的,刺眼的,刺耳的: She grew up in the harsh environment of New York City. 她在纽约市恶劣的环境中长大。a harsh light/voice 刺眼的光;刺耳的声音
3 too strong or rough and likely to damage sth 太强烈的,太粗糙的(可能造成伤害): This soap is too harsh for a baby's skin. 这种肥皂碱性太大﹐会伤婴儿的皮肤。 harshly adv harshness noun [U]




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