

词汇 row
释义 *row¹
/rəʊ ||; ro/noun[C]
1 a line of people or things (人或物的)一行,一排: a row of books 一排书The children were all standing in a row at the front of the class. 那些小孩在全班同学面前排成一行。
2 a line of seats in a theatre, cinema, etc (剧院、电影院等的)一排座位: Our seats were in the back row. 我们的座位在后排。a front-row seat 前排座位
in a row one after another; without a break 接连;连续: It rained solidly for four days in a row. 雨一连下了四天。
/raʊ ||; raυ/noun
1 [C] a row (about/over sth) a noisy argument or serious disagreement between two or more people, groups, etc 争吵: When I have a row with my girlfriend, I always try to make up as soon as possible. 我跟女朋友吵嘴以后,总是设法尽快言归于好。A row has broken out between the main parties over education. 几个大党为教育问题爆发了一场争吵。
2 [sing] a loud noise 嘈杂声: What a row! Could you be a bit quieter? 吵死了!安静点儿行吗? row verb [I] row (with sb) (about/over sth) Pete and I are always rowing about money! 皮特跟我老是为钱争吵!
/rəʊ ||; ro/verb
1 [I,T] to move a boat through the water using long thin pieces of wood with flat parts at the end (oars) 划船: We often go rowing on the lake. 我们常去湖上划船。
2 [T] to carry sb/sth in a boat that you row 划船载运(人或物): Could you row us over to the island? 可以把我们划到那个小岛吗? ☞Look at paddle. 参看paddlerow noun [sing]




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