

词汇 round
释义 *round¹
/raʊnd ||; raυnd/adj having the shape of a circle or a ball 圆的;球形的: a round table 圆桌 in round figures/numbers given to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, etc; not given in exact numbers 以整数表示
/raʊnd ||; raυnd/adv prep☞For special uses with many verbs, for example come round, get round , go round, etc see the verb entries. round可与许多动词连用,如come roundget roundgo round等,其用法参看有关动词词条。
1 in a circle or curve; on all sides of sth 成圆圈或弧形地;在某物周围: He had a bandage right round his head. 他头上缠着绷带。We sat round the table, talking late into the night. 我们围着桌子坐下,一直谈到深夜。We were just talking about Ravi and he came round the corner. 我们正在谈论拉维,只见他拐过街角走来。How long would it take to walk round the world? 绕着地球走一圈要花多少时间? (figurative 比喻) It wasn't easy to see a way round the problem (= a way of solving it). 找出个解决问题的办法并不容易。
2 in a full circle 转一圈: The wheels spun round and round but the car wouldn't move. 车轮转了又转,汽车却一动也不动。
3 turning to look or go in the opposite direction 回头看;转去相反方向: Don't look round but the teacher's just come in. 别回头望,老师刚进来了。She turned the car roundand drove off. 她调转车头开走了。
4 from one place, person, etc to another 由一地或人等到另一地或人: Pass the photographs roundfor everyone to see. 把这些照片传给大家看。I've been rushing round all day. 我一整天跑来跑去。
5 in or to a particular area or place 在或到某地方: Do you live round here? 你就住在这附近吗?I'll come round to see you at about 8 o'clock. 我8点左右来看你。
6 in or to many parts of sth 到处;向各处: Let me show you roundthe house. 让我带你四处看看这房子。He spent six months travelling round Europe. 他花了六个月时间周游欧洲。
round about (sth) in the area near a place; approximately 在附近;在周围;大约: We hope to arrive round about 6. 我们希望6点左右到达。 the other way round in the opposite way or order 正好相反;逆序;倒置;反过来: My appointment's at 3 and Lella's is at 3.15 -- or was it the other way round? 我的约会是在3点,勒拉的在3点15分─还是倒过来? Around has the same meaning as round and is more common in American English. aroundround同义,多用于美国英语。
/raʊnd ||; raυnd/noun[C]
1 a number or series of events, etc 一连串活动: a further round of talks with other European countries 与其他欧洲国家的新一轮会谈
2 a regular series of visits, etc, often as part of a job 巡行;巡视;工作路线或区域: The postman's round takes him about three hours. 邮递员每送一回信都得花上约三个小时。Dr Adamou is on his daily round of the wards. 阿达莫医生正在作他每天一次的病房巡视。
3 a number of drinks (one for all the people in a group) 一巡饮料(小组内人人有份): It's my round (= it's my turn to buy the drinks). 这回我请客(该轮到我买酒了)。
4 one part of a game or competition (游戏、比赛的)回合: Parma will play Real Madrid in the next round. 下个回合比赛帕尔马队将与皇家马德里队对垒。
5 (in golf) one game, usually of 18 holes (高尔夫球)一局(通常十八洞): to play a round of golf 打一局高尔夫球
6 a bullet or a number of bullets, fired from a gun (枪械的)一发子弹,连发射击: He fired several rounds at us. 他向我们开了好几枪。
7 a short, sudden period of loud noise 一阵短促而响亮的声音: The last speaker got the biggest round of applause. 最后一位演讲者得到最热烈的一阵掌声。
/raʊnd ||; raυnd/verb [T] to go round sth 围绕: The police car rounded the corner at high speed. 警车高速绕过拐角。 round sth off to do sth that completes a job or an activity 使圆满结束;使完成: We rounded off the meal with coffee and chocolates. 我们喝完咖啡,吃过巧克力,那顿饭便结束了。 round sb/sth up to bring sb/sth together in one place 聚集人或物: The teacher rounded up the children. 老师把孩子聚拢在一起。 round sth up/down to increase/decrease a number, price, etc to the nearest whole number 把数字、价格等调高╱调低为整数;化成整数




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