

词汇 remove
释义 *remove
/rɪˈmu:v ||; rɪˈmuv/verb [T] (formal 正式)
1 remove sb/sth (from sth) to take sb/sth off or away 移开;拿走;除去;消除: Remove the saucepan from the heat. 把平底锅从火上拿下来。This washing powder will remove most stains. 这种洗衣粉可除去大部份污渍。to remove doubts/fears/problems 消除疑虑╱恐惧╱问题I would like you to remove my name from your mailing list. 请把我的名字从你们的邮寄名单中删除。He had an operation to remove the tumour. 他动了一次手术,切除肿瘤。 Take off, out, etc is less formal. take offout等多用于非正式场合。
2 remove sb (from sth) to make sb leave his/her job or position 开除;解雇;免去某人的职务




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