

词汇 damp
释义 *damp¹
/dæmp ||; dæmp/adj a little wet 潮湿的: The house had been empty and felt rather damp. 这房子已经空了,令人觉得相当潮湿。 damp noun [U]: She hated the damp and the cold of the English climate. 她讨厌那又潮湿又寒冷的英国天气。 ☞Look at the note at wet. 参看wet的注释。
/dæmp ||; dæmp/verb [T] damp sth (down)
1 to make a fire burn less strongly or stop burning 封火;灭火: He tried to damp (down) the flames. 他试图把火扑灭。
2 to make sth less strong or urgent 减弱;延缓: He tried to damp down their expectations in case they failed. 他试图给他们泼冷水,免得他们万一失败而大失所望。




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