

词汇 chase
释义 *chase¹
/tʃeɪs ||; tʃes/verb
1 [I,T] chase (after) sb/sth to run after sb/sth in order to catch him/her/it 追逐;追捕: The dog chased the cat up a tree. 狗把猫赶到树上。The police car chased after the stolen van. 警车追踪那辆被偷走的面包车。
2 [I] to run somewhere fast 奔跑: The kids were chasing around the park. 孩子们在公园里到处奔跑。
/tʃeɪs ||; tʃes/noun [C] the act of following sb/sth in order to catch him/her/it 追逐;追捕: an exciting car chase 紧张刺激的汽车追逐 give chase to begin to run after sb/sth in order to try to catch him/her/it 展开追逐或追捕: The robber ran off and the policeman gave chase. 劫匪逃脱,警察展开追捕。




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