

词汇 permit
释义 *permit¹
/pəˈmɪt ||; pɚˈmɪt/verb (permitting;permitted)
1 [T] (formal 正式) to allow sb to do sth or to allow sth to happen 允许;准许: You are not permitted to smoke in the hospital. 医院内不准吸烟。His visa does not permit him to work. 他的签证不允许他工作。 ☞Look at the note at allow. 参看allow的注释。
2 [I,T] to make sth possible 使有可能: Let's have a barbecue at the weekend, weather permitting. 如果天气好的话,周末一起去烧烤吧。
/ˈpɜ:mɪt ||; ˈpɝmɪt/noun [C] an official document that says you are allowed to do sth, especially for a limited period of time 许可证;执照: Next month I'll have to apply for a new work permit. 下个月我得申请新的工作许可证。




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