

词汇 trouble
释义 *trouble¹
/ˈtrʌbl ||; ˈtrʌbḷ/noun
1 [U] [C] trouble (with sb/sth) (a situation that causes) a problem, difficulty or worry 问题;困难;烦恼: If I don't get home by 11 o'clock I'll be in trouble. 如果我11点前不能回到家里就会有麻烦。I'm having trouble getting the car started. 我没办法发动车子。I'm having trouble with my car. 我的车子有点问题。financial troubles 财政困难Marie is clever. The trouble is she's very lazy. 玛丽很聪明,问题是她很懒。
2 [U] extra work or effort 额外工作;麻烦: Let's eat out tonight. It will save you the troubleof cooking. 我们今晚到外面吃饭吧,省得你做饭。Why don't you stay the night with us. It's no trouble. 你在我们家过夜吧,不麻烦的。I'm sorry to put you to so much trouble. 对不起,我给你添了这么多麻烦。
3 [C,U] a situation where people are fighting or arguing with each other. 争吵;争执;纷扰: There's often trouble in town on Saturday night after the bars have closed. 星期六晚城里酒吧关门后常有人生事。
4 [U] illness or pain 病;痛: back/heart trouble 背痛;心脏病
ask for troubleASKget into trouble to get into a situation which is dangerous or in which you may be punished 惹上麻烦;陷入困境 go to a lot of trouble (to do sth) to put a lot of work or effort into sth 花大量心血(做某事): They went to a lot of trouble to make us feel welcome. 他们努力使我们感到宾至如归。 take trouble over/with sth;take trouble to do sth/doing sth to do sth with care 用心做某事 take the trouble to do sth to do sth even though it means extra work or effort 不怕麻烦或不辞劳苦做某事
/ˈtrʌbl ||; ˈtrʌbḷ/verb[T]
1 to make sb worried, upset, etc 使烦忧、苦恼等: Is there something troubling you? 有什么事让你苦恼吗?
2 (formal 正式)trouble sb (for sth) (used when you are politely asking sb for sth or to do sth) to disturb sb (表示客气的请求)打扰了: Sorry to trouble you, but would you mind answering a few questions? 对不起,打扰你了,你介意回答我几个问题吗? [SYN] bother 同义词为bother




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