

词汇 trip
释义 *trip¹
/trɪp ||; trɪp/noun [C] a journey to a place and back again, either for pleasure or for a particular purpose (往返)旅行: How was your trip to Turkey? 你的土耳其之行怎么样?We had to make several trips to move all the furniture. 把这么多家具搬走我们得来回跑好几趟。to go on abusiness/shopping trip 出差;去购物 ☞Look at the note at travel. 参看travel的注释。 tripper noun [C]: Brighton was full of day trippers (= people on trips that last for one day) from London. 布赖顿到处都是从伦敦来作一日游的游客。
/trɪp ||; trɪp/verb (tripping;tripped)
1 [I] trip (over/up);trip (over/on sth) to catch your foot on sth when you are walking and fall or nearly fall 绊倒: Don't leave your bag on the floor. Someone might trip over it. 别把你的袋子放在地板上,可能会绊倒别人。She tripped up on a loose paving stone. 她给松动的铺路石绊住,摔了一跤。
2 [T] trip sb (up) to catch sb's foot and make him/her fall or nearly fall 使绊倒或踉跄: Linda stuck out her foot and tripped Barry up. 林达伸出脚将巴里绊倒。
trip (sb) up to make a mistake; to make sb say sth that he/she did not want to say 犯错;诱使(某人)说出原来不想说的话: The journalist asked a difficult question to try to trip the politician up. 记者问了一个刁钻的问题,想叫这位政界人士上当。




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