

词汇 Bonfire Night
释义 ˈBonfire Night
noun [C] in Britain, the night of 5 November (英国) 篝火之夜(11月5日晚) On this day people in Britain light fireworks and burn a model of a man (called a guy) on top of a bonfire, to celebrate the failure of Guy Fawkes to blow up the Houses of Parliament in the seventeenth century. 是夜,英国人喜放烟火,并在篝火上头焚烧一个模拟盖伊·福克斯的假人(guy),以庆祝当年盖伊·福克斯的流产政变。公元十七世纪,福克斯图谋炸毁议会两院大楼,事败就擒。




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