

词汇 confuse
释义 *confuse
/kənˈfju:z ||; kənˈfjuz/verb[T]
1 (usually passive 通常用于被动语态) to make sb unable to think clearly or to know what to do 使(某人的思绪)混乱;扰乱: He confused everybody with his pages of facts and figures. 他一页页的事实与数据把所有人都弄胡涂了。
2 confuse A and/with B to mistake sb/sth for sb/sth else 混淆: I often confuse Lee with his brother. They look very much alike. 我常把李和他弟弟弄混了。他们长得很像。
3 to make sth complicated 使复杂化: The situation is confused by the fact that so many organizations are involved. 由于涉及很多机构,情况变得复杂了。




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