5月11日雅思大作文示范写作 | 所有国家立即减少化石燃料使用



The international community must act immediately to ensure all nations reduce consumption of fossil fuels (gas and oil). To what extent do you agree or disagree? 








Although the urgency of curtailing utility of fossil fuels has never been greater among a myriad of unprecedented environmental degradations, a precipitous reduction on a global scale should be seen as explicitly immature. 







不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):


? urgency 紧迫性n.

? curtail 减少v.

? a myriad of 众多的

? unprecedented 前所未有的 adj.

? precipitous 陡峭的/突然的adj.

? scale 范围

? explicitly 显而易见地

? immature 不成熟的adj.



Body 1


Phasing out hydrocarbons worldwide is still a long way off. While developed counties take a lead in accessibility and affordability of renewable energies, the less endowed societies, whose vast swaths of economy heavily depend on fossil fuels, may end up getting the short end of the stick. Circular economy, for example, has proved to be a main decarbonization lever in most developed countries. But this key solution is sadly out of reach for faltering economies, whose technological barriers keep carbon recapture at bay. Nor will it be easy for struggling economies to pay for reliable climate-related capacity buildings. Tidal energy, solar energy and wind power, sustainable alternative energies, may not work for countries with intermittent supplies of them, since geographical features vary.







不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):


? phase out  逐步淘汰/废除

? hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物

? a long way off 还有很长的路要走

? take a lead 处于领先地位

? endowed 有资助的/富有的

? large swaths 大片/指广泛范围的

? the short end of the stick 处于弱势地位

? circular economy 循环经济:通过再利用、回收等手段来减少废弃物和污染的工业经济

? decarbonization lever 脱碳的杠杆

? faltering 衰落的

? keep at bay 保持距离/无法获得

? climate-related capacity 治理气候变化的能力

? tidal energy 潮汐能

? wind power 风能

? work for 起作用

? intermittent 间歇的/非持续的

? geographical features 地理特征




Body 2

Of course, international efforts have done a fine job of moving away from petrol-based consumption. Countries which align with Paris Agreement, for example, have established carbon neutrality targets, with new markets flourishing in recycling sector. With more governments and corporations concerning zero-carbon solutions, the outlook of less dependence on carbon fuels may look rosy. But this draconian cut on fossil use may backfire; cobalt—a necessary component of vehicle batteries—is a defining example of the mineral conundrum. Numerous studies have demonstrated the close connection between worker exploitation in the cobalt mining industry and a number of environmental problems, including elevated radioactivity levels and hazardous chemicals seeping into the subterranean water system. As such, questions linger over so-called carbon justice on our decarbonization pilgrimage.







不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):


? done a fine job of 在某方面做得很好

? petrol-based consumption 以汽油为基础的消费

? align with 遵守

? Paris Agreement 《巴黎协定》是《联合国气候变化框架公约》(UNFCCC)框架内关于2020年起二氧化碳减排措施的协议。

? carbon neutrality 碳中和

? flourish 蓬勃发展v.

? sector 行业

? zero-carbon 零碳

? outlook 前景n.

? rosy 乐观的/有希望的

? draconian 严苛的/苛刻的

? backfire 起到反作用

? cobalt 钴

? vehicle batteries 汽车车载电池

? conundrum 令人迷惑的难题

? exploitation 剥削/压榨

? mining 采矿

? elevated radioactivity levels 高辐射量

? seeping into 渗透

? subterranean 地下的

? As such 正因为如此

? linger 流连/逗留

? carbon justice 碳正义

? pilgrimage 朝圣之旅

? decarbonization 去碳化






To sum up, rather than relying on one-size-fits-all approach, the aim should be to find adaptive and customized solutions to address mounting use of conventional energies. 







不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):


? one-size-fits-all approach 万全之策

? adaptive 适应的

? customized 定制的/个性化的

?mounting 越来越多的