雅思口语Part2:Describe a useful skill that you learned as a teenager






最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a useful skill that you learned as a teenager”。悄悄地告诉你,其实我在我的朋友圈里,都被人亲切地称之为“小厨神”呢!虽说我周围也有很多朋友都自己独居,会做饭,但是真正能称得上做得好的其实还真没几个。我那精湛的厨艺还得归功于我学做饭学得早,经验丰富。川菜,粤菜,湘菜,我真的是样样拿得出手。想知道我与烹饪之间都有哪些奇妙的故事嘛,那就待我向你娓娓道来吧。 




本期Part 2 话题

Describe a useful skill that you learned as a teenager

You should say:

What the skill is

When and how you learned it

Who you learned it from

Why you learned it

And explain how you felt about learning it




During my teenage years, I acquired a particularly beneficial skill that has continued to serve me well into adulthood: cooking. It all began with simple tasks in the kitchen under the guidance of my parents, but gradually, I developed a genuine interest in experimenting with different recipes and techniques.


Learning to cook taught me far more than just how to prepare meals. It instilled in me a sense of independence and self-sufficiency, empowering me to nourish myself and others with nutritious and delicious food. Moreover, it sparked my creativity and problem-solving abilities as I improvised with ingredients and adapted recipes to suit my preferences and dietary needs.


Beyond the practical aspects, cooking also fostered important life skills such as time management, organization, and budgeting. I learned to plan meals effectively, shop for ingredients wisely, and make the most of limited resources.

Furthermore, cooking provided me with opportunities to bond with family and friends over shared meals, creating lasting memories and strengthening relationships.


In essence, the skill of cooking that I cultivated as a teenager has proven invaluable in numerous aspects of my life, enhancing my well-being, fostering creativity, and enriching my connections with others.


Words & expressions in this episode

1. far more than 远不止

2. preference n. 偏好

3. dietary adj. 饮食的

4. enrich v.丰富