5月18日雅思大作文示范写作 | 手机和网络对老年人的影响


  Mobile phones and the Internet could have many benefits for old people.However,this age group uses technology the least.What are the benefits for old people of using mobile phones and the Internet?How can we encourage them to use this new technology?






  It is undisputed that cutting-edge technologies,like cellphones and the Internet,exert an immense effect on older people's life aside from providing youngsters with an endless stream of delight.Therefore,there is a strong argument for seniors to embrace these technologies for their personal benefit,a position with which I wholeheartedly agree.


  本次考题重复十几年前的旧题,可当成新题看待,关于科技的正反面影响的题目不少,但此次考题审题时注意两点,一是明确讨论对象有限定“old people”、“Mobile phones and the Internet”,需要考虑老年人的特点,与手机和互联网的结合。二是题目任务明确问的是手机和互联网给老人带来的好处,这里不需要谈论存在的弊端,否则反而画蛇添足。

  ?cutting-edge adj.领先的;

  ?exert v.运用,施加(影响);





  Body 1


  For starters,proficiency with mobile phones can be crucial in handling unforeseen circumstances and ensuring physical well-being.Age-related declines in health are well-documented,and being able to quickly contact friends or family in case of illness or injury can make a critical difference in receiving prompt medical attention.Therefore,teaching older individuals how to effectively utilize modern technologies is paramount for their overall health and safety.Furthermore,being apt at using computers can spice up their later years.The often monotonous lives of seniors living alone can be enriched by learning how to navigate the Internet—a high-tech tool offering a wide range of engaging activities.For instance,elderly people can shoot the breeze on MSN with people sharing the same interests such as diverting themselves from loneliness by playing mahjong online with netizens.That is to say,the elderly would be surrounded by novel experiences when logging on the Internet without concerns about getting stuck in a humdrum life.




  ?paramount adj.至为重要的,首要的;

  ?spice upv.增添趣味;

  ?monotonous adj.单调乏味的,毫无变化的;


  ?shoot the breeze闲聊:指随意、轻松地聊天或闲谈;


  ?log on v.登录;






  Body 2


  To address any apprehension about using the internet among older adults,effective strategies should be implemented.Encouraging inter-generational activities where family members participate in online endeavors can create a supportive environment for elderly individuals.Younger family members can assist them in overcoming technological challenges and gaining confidence in navigating the internet by patiently aiding them with things like email account setup,social media exploration and so forth.Furthermore,the government should emphasize the convenience and cost-effectiveness of online shopping and government services,which can appeal to more elderly adults who struggle with traditional physical mobility and prioritize frugality.




  ?apprehension n.忧虑,恐惧;

  ?inter-generational adj.代际间的;

  ?endeavor n.努力;

  ?prioritize v.按优先顺序列出;优先考虑(处理);

  ?frugality n.俭省,节俭;







  In conclusion,mastering computer skills can greatly enhance the later years of elderly individuals.Joint efforts from the government and young generations are in desperate need to help seniors adapt to the culture and the life style in the digital age.


