
  1. Abstract (adj)
  英文释义:based on general ideas or principles rather than specific examples or real events.
  例句: Human beings are the only creatures capable of abstract thought.
  2. Aggregate (v)
  英文释义:(Usually Passive) to put together different items, amount, etc. into a single group or total.
  例句: The scores were aggregated with the first round totals to decide the winner.
  3. Cooperative (adj)
  英文释义:willing to cooperate.
  例句: He was doing his best to be cooperative.
  4. Discrimination (n)
  英文释义:The practice of treating somebody or a particular group in the society less fairly than others.
  Government figures suggest that ethnic minorities face discrimination looking for jobs.
  5. Diversity (n)
  英文释义:a range of different people, things, or ideas.
  例句: Cultural diversity is a central feature of modern British society.
  6. Exceed (v)
  英文释义:to be more than a particular number or amount.
  例句: Working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week.
  7.Immigrant (n)
  英文释义:someone who enters another country to live there permanently.
  Large numbers of illegal immigrants have found their way into the country.
  8. Inevitable (adj)
  英文释义:Certain to happen and impossible to avoid.
  例句: A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable.
  9. Phenomenon(n)
  英文释义:something that happens or exists in society, science, or nature, especially something that is studied because it is difficult to understand.
  例句: The idea that we may be able to live forever is not a new phenomenon.
  10. Paradox (n)
  英文释义: a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or qualities that are very different.
  例句: It’s a paradox that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.
  11.Intrusion (n)
  英文释义:When someone does something or something happens, that affects you private life or activities in an unwanted way.
  例句:This is a governmental intrusion on the freedom of the press.
  12.Involuntary (adj)
  英文释义:Happening without the person concerned wanting it to.
  例句:The distinction between voluntary and involuntary unemployment is often blurred.
  13.Itinerary (n)
  英文释义:a plan of a journey, including the route and the places that you visit.
  例句:Visits to four different countries are included in your itinerary.
  14.Lucid (adj)
  英文释义:clearly expressed; easy to understand.
  例句:There is only one lucid explanation for this problem.
  15.Lucrative (adj)
  英文释义:producing a large amount of money; making a large profit.
  例句:Many of the engineers left the service for more lucrative jobs abroad.
  16.Ludicrous (adj)
  英文释义:Unreasonable; that you cannot take seriously.
  例句:It was ludicrous to think that the plan might succeed.
  17.Jurisdiction (n)
  英文释义:the authority that an official organization has to make legal decisions about somebody/something.
  例句:The British courts have universal jurisdiction over torture cases.
  18.Lenient (adj)
  英文释义:not as strict as expected when punishing somebody or when making sure that rules are obeyed.
  例句:School examiners say that marking has become more lenient in recent years.
  19.Loathe (v)
  英文释义:To dislike somebody/something very much.
  例句:She looked at him with loathing.
  20.Obsess (v)
  英文释义:to completely fill your mind so that you cannot think of anything else, in a way that is not normal.
  中文释义:使痴迷; 使迷恋; 使着迷
  例句:Modern people are becoming obsessed with material wealth.