雅思口语Part 2:描述你身边乐于助人的人


最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe someone living in your area who often helps others.”。你还真别说,我周围还真有这么一个非常乐于助人的女孩子,她的名字叫莎拉。她在我们社区,那可算是一位杰出的人物。她总是毫不吝啬地伸出援手帮助别人。她是真正无私奉献的楷模,她的善行对我们的社区产生了深远的影响。想知道她究竟都做了哪些乐于助人的事情吗,想知道的话就听我往下来给你讲一讲吧。



本期Part 2 话题

Describe someone living in your area who often helps others.

You should say:

What he/she is like

How he/she helps others

Why his/her help is beneficial

And explain why he/she often helps others




In my neighborhood, there is a remarkable individual named Sarah who consistently goes above and beyond to assist those around her. A shining example of selflessness, her dedication to helping others has had a profound impact on our community.


Sarah is a retired teacher who spends a significant portion of her time volunteering at the local community center. She organizes workshops for underprivileged children, offering them educational support and a safe space to learn and grow. Her patient and compassionate nature make her approachable to kids of all backgrounds, and she has become a role model for many.


Moreover, Sarah actively participates in neighborhood initiatives to aid the elderly. She frequently checks in on senior citizens, running errands for them and providing companionship. Her visits brighten their days and alleviate their feelings of isolation. During the recent harsh winter, she organized a winter clothing drive, ensuring that everyone in need had warm clothing and blankets.

What sets Sarah apart is her genuine humility; she never seeks recognition for her contributions. Her actions speak volumes about her character, fostering a sense of unity within the community. The positive ripple effect of her kindness is evident as more neighbors have started volunteering and helping one another.


In conclusion, Sarah's consistent dedication to supporting others has transformed our neighborhood into a closely-knit, caring community. Her willingness to give without expecting anything in return sets an inspiring example for all of us, reminding us of the power of compassion and solidarity.