超实用:雅思词汇解析| 公众人物

  1. persona /p?'s??n?/
  n. 表象人格;伪装;假象
  the image or personality that a person presents to other people, perhaps in contrast to their real character or nature. 即某人的人设
  常见搭配:shape / craft a persona 打造/树立人设
  e.g. In work settings, people often carefully craft their persona in order to project an image of professionalism.
  e.g. There is a strong contradiction between his private life and public persona. While he presents an approachable and nice image, he treats people around him in a condescending way.
  补充:approachable adj. 平易近人的
  condescending adj. 盛气凌人的; 居高临下的
  2. sensational /sen'se??(?)n(?)l/
  adj. (故事、报道)耸人听闻的,轰动的
  搭配:sensational headlines 热点头条
  e.g. e.g. The tabloids dig into anything sensational regardless of the rights of privacy of the people affected.
  e.g. During an interview, he succeeded in grabbing attention by making sensational and exaggerated statements.
  补充:exaggerated 夸张的;夸大的
  n. sensation 引起轰动的人(或事件、情况);
  e.g. His brilliant performance in that film turned him into an overnight sensation.
  e.g. The rave reviews turned the book into a nationwide sensation overnight.
  补充:rave reviews 好评
  3. tabloid /'tæbl?id/
  n. 小报
  a newspaper that has pages about half the size of an ordinary newspaper and that typically contains many photographs and stories about famous people and other less serious news items.
  常见搭配:tabloid press / newspaper / report
  e.g. The tabloid press managed to discredit him by distorting what he said and creating an image of him as icy and indifferent.
  e.g. Some celebrities have successfully sued the tabloid press for libeling them.
  补充:libel 在书报、杂志上对…进行诽谤
  discredit 败坏…的名声
  icy; indifferent 冷漠的
  4. paparazzi /?pɑ:p?'rɑ:tsi:/
  n. 狗仔队
  e.g. The paparazzi swarmed around the celebrity, trying to snap a photograph of her.
  e.g. The paparazzi's relentless pursuit of sensational stories often invades the privacy of public figures.