
  Test 3

  Some people say History is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today’s world, subjects like Science and Technology are more important than History.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


  In my opinion I think every subjects is important for us. We have to learn everything through our past, present and future. Some people say that History is one of the most important school subjects it’s true but it has to go along with today’s world which is science and Technology. How can we move without our history, the people behind us “The ancient people” is the most powerful people who pushes us to move forward. The taught us how to fire a light, How to find a food, How to lives with other and animals, How to survive and others. Of course we wouldn’t know that without them. Science and Technology are important too. They give us a chance to move forward with them. Without Science and Technology we’re just a normally humans being. We spend our daily life with no useful. Without them we have no light we have no food, we have no comfortable stuff and things. Old people can survived without these things. Humans creates lots of invention to give an unlimited wants of people based on a limited government.

  May I gives one example of the development of science and Technology. With this two things it give us a chance to be a member of ASEAN “Association of South East Asia Nation” we can be able to communicate with the other 9 countries with the high technology. It help us to be a TEAMWORK with the 9 other countries to develop our country. Help us in terms of transportation, communication, collaboration etc. It can definitely hold on to that hope that in the near future.

  Overall economics can totally achieves. It is a fact that the member of the member of the ASEAN have differences in terms of political standing, culture and traditions but it’s not a problem with our help I know that there’re a bright future are waiting for all of us. And that is a reason why History, Science and Technology is important.

  We use history to learn about others, their culture, their tradition to be understand each other more and more and using science and Technology to help us, our country, our world to be moving forward, to help each other and to give a bright chances and future for everyone, especially kids give a chances to them to study, to go to school, to get knowledge so the next ten years, twenty years to the new up coming year all of them can help each other to pass these chances to other kids go on and on.

  (443 words)


  The writer addresses all parts of the prompt and outlines why the various subjects are all important, supporting these ideas with relevant examples. Although the organisation is sometimes confused, there is a sense of progression and a definite conclusion is reached. Cohesive devices are used effectively [in my opinion / of course / especially]. referencing is generally accurate [we wouldn’t know that without them / these things]. The range of vocabulary is quite varied [go along with today’s world / to move forward / daily life / transportation, communication, collaboration etc. / political standing, culture and traditions], though errors occur [every subjects / normally human beings / a bright chances], while a reference to [stuff and things] suggests the writer struggled to find more precise terms. There is a mix of simple and complex sentence forms, including different types of subordinate clauses [some people say that... /...which is science and technology / ...people who pushes us to / they taught us how to ] and although errors occur, these do not usually cause misunderstanding or difficulty for the reader. Punctuation is sometimes faulty, particularly omission of full stops.






  有效使用了衔接手段[in my opinion / of course / especially],指称代词基本清楚[we wouldn’t know that without them / these things]。


  词汇比较丰富[go along with today’s world / to move forward / daily life / transportation, communication, collaboration etc. / political standing, culture and traditions],但错误不少 [every subjects / normally human beings / a bright chances]。


  能够混合使用简单句和复杂句,使用了不同类型的从属句 [some people say that... /...which is science and technology / ...people who pushes us to / they taught us how to ],尽管有不少错误,但一般并未造成误解或理解困难。










  Test 2

  Some people believe that nowadays we have too many choices. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?


  The answer is complex since there are a lot of choices in our life and all of them are different kinds. In some cases I would say that it is a good thing to have the ability to choose from a wide variety. Take for example gastronomy. Every single person has different meals on their list of favourites. Actually if you have a bigger family it is almost impossible to cook something that everyone would like. Therefore I would say that it is great that you can go to a shopping center and choose from a dozen different food types. I can always find something that looks delicious.

  Naturally, there are some people who say that it is against evolution. They claim to say that back in the old days we had a perfect life when technically everybody was farming. I personally disagree with that. I am happy that I could choose a job that fits best to my abilities. I mean no one is the same, why would we want to do the same? Different kinds of universities give us the opportunity to become who we are meant to be. We have the right to choose.

  However there is on topic where, according to my opinion, we have too many choices. This specific area is television. There are hundreds of channels, therefore you can always find something that is worth watching. Literally you could sit in your sofa the whole day and watch films. I think that people doing less outdoor activities are the results of the many available channels. From this point of view I would agree that we have too many choices.

  In conclusion I would say that we can’t generally talk about choices since they could be different. In some cases it is good to have many of them while in other areas they could have a negative effect.

  (315 words)


  The candidate explains why s/he both agrees and disagrees with the statement, meeting the requirements of “To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?” S/he singles out two areas of disagreement (food and jobs) and provides clear examples to support these opinions, then goes on to identify an area of agreement (TV channels), again providing support and then some development of the example organisation is logical and there is clear progression throughout the writing. There is a range of cohesive devices, used appropriately [take for example / actually / therefore / naturally / however / this specific area / from this point of view / in conclusion]. The range of vocabulary is sufficient to show some flexibility and precision, as well as less common items and an awareness of style and collocation [complex / list of favourites / fits...my ability / specific area / many available channels]. there is only one spelling error [beome], probably a slip of the pen. Control over grammar and punctuation is generally good and there is a variety of complex structures with frequent error-free sentences.






  衔接手段丰富,而且使用得当[take for example / actually / therefore / naturally / however / this specific area / from this point of view / in conclusion]


  词汇丰富,显示出一定的准确性和灵活度,有较少的套语(less common items),有文体意识(formal style),搭配不错[complex / list of favourites / fits...my ability / specific area / many available channels]。

  老雅注:7分作文对词汇使用的要求是要准确和灵活,不要用陈词滥调,比如universally acknowledged; there is no denying that...; a coin has two sides之类,而是要体现出新鲜感。文体比较正规,不出现过于口语的表达。








