2024年3月2日雅思大作文示范写作 | 无车日之利弊分析

Some cities have vehicle-free days when private cars, trucks and motorcycles are banned from the city center. People are encouraged to use public transportation such as buses, taxis and metro on vehicle free days. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
纽约Car Free Earth Day (无车地球日), 街道因社区艺术集市而变得生动。
CBD car-free days, when motorists are encouraged to give up their cars for either low-carbon public transports, cycling or walking, have been initially embraced by Paris, with a few more European cities joining this pilgrimage to less dependence on automobile mobility. This measure is a promotion of sustainable lifestyle as much as it is decarbonization showcase. 
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
motorists 司机
low-carbon 低碳的 adj.
pilgrimage 朝圣之旅
automobile mobility 机动车出行 noun.
decarbonization 脱碳化 noun.
showcase 宣传 v./ n.
Body 1
Compounded by rising use of subsidized electricity-powered vehicles, streets in downtown have been unflaggingly packed regardless of conventional peak hour. An obsession on car mobility would make commute less efficient, as urban population booms, road lanes construction stalls and accident rate increases. To reverse this alarming trend, governments need to press sedentary car owners to take a hiatus of driving to walk to bus stops, subway stations or simply to sweat while cycling —little-noticed alternatives to being stuck in congestion for grueling hours. Behind this campaign, however, lies deeper ecological commitment. Being a participant in a public low-carbon scheme is often correlated with an enhanced green awareness, thus spurring individuals and firms to incorporate ecological concerns into their daily operations. 
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
compound 加剧/恶化v.
subsidized 被政府资助的
unflaggingly 不衰地/ 不屈不挠地 adv.
obsession 困让/沉迷 n.
road lanes 道路
stall 搁置/暂缓v.
reverse 扭转v.
sedentary 久坐不动的 adj.
hiatus 间隙/休息 n.
little-noticed 很少被注意的
be stuck in 陷入困境
campaign 宣传运动n.
ecological commitment 生态承诺
spur 刺激/促进v.
incorporate into 融入
Body 2
Although local councils have gone great lengths to underline multiple takeaways of this car-free campaign, some find this restriction irksome. Misinterpreting the initiatives as anti-car, commuters with entrenched car-centric mindset may feel hindered by using public transit, walking or cycling. But this myth could be readily debunked by astoundingly efficient streets removed of cars and congestions, allowing underrated alternatives to shine as viable commuting options. Another myth relates to lowered business sales; customers could discouraged to visit shops without car mobility. But the opposite is the case; repetitive numerical studies have found that foot traffic in commercial area tends to stimulate local economy by drawing in more walk-in customers. 
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
go great lengths to 大费周折地做某事
underline 强调v.
takeaways 要点n.
irksome 令人厌烦的
car-centric mindset 以车为本的思维方式
hinder 阻碍v.
public transit 公共交通
myth is debunked 神话被揭穿
shine 闪耀其优点v.
viable 可行的adj.
the opposite is the case 反面才真
foot traffic 步行的出行方式
To summarize, open-streets initiatives are not simply intended as metaphors. Rather, it is a golden public education to thwart false car-centered belief of city commuting.  
不太常见的词汇(less common lexical items):
be intended as 本质上是
metaphor 隐喻/象征 n.
 thwart 挫败/击败v.