支招托福作文 | 3月16日学术讨论范文




our professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

In your response, you should do the following.

- Express and support your opinion.

- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


Professor Achebe

In recent years, there has been ongoing debate regarding the relevance and necessity of public libraries. Some argue that in the digital age, where information is readily available online, libraries may have lost their significance. What are your thoughts on the importance of libraries today? Do you believe cities should continue to maintain public libraries?



Libraries were relevant when books were the main source of knowledge and people couldn't afford personal libraries. But in our digital world, public funding for libraries is an unnecessary expenditure. With so much information online, who needs physical books? Very few people read anymore. I haven't stepped foot in a library for years.



Public libraries are still valuable community resources. While digital information is widespread, libraries offer engaging programs that inspire kids' love of reading. From storytimes to summer reading clubs, these activities get children excited about books in a way websites can't match. Libraries nurture the next generation of readers - we shouldn't abandon them yet.



Paul made a relevant point that public libraries are still invaluable cultural assets for a community, and I’d add that another indispensable function of these facilities is that they are a great place to house classic books from ancient times, which are crucial materials to study the history and culture of the city. For example, Jiang Yaohui, a researcher from my hometown Dalian, China referred to plenty of materials when carrying out his research on the Russian Empire’s colonial domination in Dalian. Most of the books he cited were borrowed from the Dalian Library and libraries located in Russia, which could hardly be found on the Internet. Even if they had been stored in an online library, just like what Claire said, it would still have been necessary to hold an original paper book in real libraries【虚拟语气】, in case of a database crash that eliminates the cultural heritage in digital form.【定语从句】 In this case, libraries are just suitable places to store those materials, since books can be particularly fragile with the passage of time. They require a fixed place with proper temperature, humidity, and professional librarians to preserve them. Only in this way can those books exert their power in providing researchers and local people with the information they need about the city,【倒装句】 and that is exactly the value of physical libraries.








"invaluable cultural assets":这个短语强调了公共图书馆作为社区文化宝藏的极大价值。

"indispensable function":表明这些设施的某些功能是必不可少的,强化了图书馆的重要性。

"crucial materials":这个词组用来形容对研究城市的历史和文化至关重要的资料,体现了作者对资料价值的高度认识。

定语从句: 如“which are crucial materials to study the history and culture of the city”,提供了额外的信息,增强了句子的复杂性和信息量。

虚拟语气: 用于“Even if they had been stored in an online library, ...”,表达了对比现实可能出现的情况,显示了深思熟虑的讨论。

倒装句: “Only in this way can those books exert their power...”,通过倒装,作者强调了保护书籍的方法对于实现其价值的重要性。