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  Title: Should Smoking be Banned in Public Places?
  Introduction: With the increasing awareness of health issues, the debate over whether smoking should be banned in public places has been heating up. This essay will discuss the pros and cons of implementing such a ban.
  Viewpoint: From my perspective, smoking should be banned in public places due to its negative impact on public health and the environment.
  Body Paragraph 1: Firstly, smoking in public places poses a significant threat to the health of non-smokers. Secondhand smoke contains numerous harmful substances, such as tar and nicotine, which can lead to various respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. By banning smoking in public places, we can create a healthier environment for everyone.
  Body Paragraph 2: Secondly, smoking in public places affects the overall aesthetic of a community. The sight of people smoking in public can be unpleasant and create a negative image. By implementing a ban, we can enhance the beauty of public spaces and promote a cleaner, more civilized atmosphere.
  Conclusion: In conclusion, banning smoking in public places is essential for protecting public health and improving the overall quality of life. It is high time for us to take action and implement comprehensive smoking bans in order to create a better and more sustainable future.