支招托福作文 | 4月6日学术讨论范文





Your professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

In your response, you should do the following.

- Express and support your opinion.

- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.



This week, we will be discussing space exploration. Some people think that it is a waste of money for governments to fund space exploration. Others disagree with this view, arguing that space exploration is a valuable and necessary investment for our future. They think that it is worthy for governments to fund space exploration. I want to know what you think about this topic. Do you think that governments should fund space exploration? Why and why not?



I don't think that governments should fund space exploration, because it will be too costly to build spaceships and develop related technologies. Though space exploration tech costs billions, it doesn't offer direct benefits to most people, which makes its funding a controversial issue.



Personally, I do think that all the costs will be worth it. The potential scientific discoveries and technological advancements could have far-reaching impacts that justify the initial investment. Imagine the new inventions that might come from this exploration. Such technology could greatly improve our everyday lives.



I don’t think it is a good idea for governments to fund space exploration.【it形式主语】One reason is that allocating resources to space research may have unintended consequences and ignore pressing issues associated with the majority of people.【表语从句】For instance, the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States was influential in the 20th century. During that time, the Soviet Union invested substantial resources in space exploration, including satellite launches and manned space missions. While these projects required significant financial support from the Soviet government,【让步状语从句】they did not generate immediate economic returns and directly improve Soviet people’s lives. Instead, with a heavy burden on the national economy, prominent economic and social dilemmas remained unresolved. Most featured bread-and-butter matters such as poverty, poor education, and high healthcare costs, which could have been eased if the funds and resources had been distributed to them.【非限定性定语从句+虚拟语气】Unfortunately, the high cost of space programs contributed to the Soviet Union's ensuing economic collapse, making it too late for the government to address an array of domestic challenges.【分词短语】Therefore, rather than investing funds in space exploration, the Soviet government should have been wiser to grapple with Soviet people-related challenges.




1. 本文采用了“个人观点+因果论证+举例论证+总结” 的写作结构,以客观事实为基础,通过举例论证和逻辑推理,阐述了对政府资助太空探索的质疑,并提出了自己的理由和假设。

2. 首先,文章围绕政府不应该资助太空探索的观点给出了理由,即太空研究投资可能带来意外后果,并且忽略了与大多数人相关的紧迫问题;其次,通过举例说明了20世纪苏联在太空探索方面投入的巨大资源,以及因此带来的经济负担和未能得到解决的社会问题;最后,总结部分呼应个人观点:苏联政府本不应该将资金投入太空探索。



"One reason is that allocating resources to space research may have unintended consequences and ignore pressing issues associated with the majority of people." 这个句子通过使用“allocating”和“pressing issues”突出了资源分配的紧迫性和重要性。

"While these projects required significant financial support from the Soviet government, they did not generate immediate economic returns and directly improve Soviet people’s lives." 这里使用了让步状语从句,有效地表达了太空项目的高成本与其直接效益之间的反差。

"Most featured bread-and-butter matters such as poverty, poor education, and high healthcare costs, which could have been eased if the funds and resources had been distributed to them." 这句话中的“bread-and-butter matters”形象地描述了基本的民生问题,同时通过非限定性定语从句和虚拟语气增强了论点的说服力。

Unintended consequences(意外后果):意味着某些决策或行为可能产生未预料到的负面影响。

Pressing issues(迫切问题):指那些需要立即关注和解决的重要问题.

Bread-and-butter matters(基本生活问题):直译为“面包和黄油的事务”,比喻那些关乎人们日常生活的基本、核心问题。

Grapple with(努力解决):描述努力克服或解决困难和挑战的过程。