支招托福作文 | 3月16日学术讨论范文(二)




our professor is teaching a class on sociology. Write a post responding to the professor's question.

In your response, you should do the following.

- Express and support your opinion.

- Make a contribution to the discussion in your own words.

An effective response will contain at least 100 words.


Professor Achebe

In recent years, there has been ongoing debate regarding the relevance and necessity of public libraries. Some argue that in the digital age, where information is readily available online, libraries may have lost their significance. What are your thoughts on the importance of libraries today? Do you believe cities should continue to maintain public libraries?



Libraries were relevant when books were the main source of knowledge and people couldn't afford personal libraries. But in our digital world, public funding for libraries is an unnecessary expenditure. With so much information online, who needs physical books? Very few people read anymore. I haven't stepped foot in a library for years.



Public libraries are still valuable community resources. While digital information is widespread, libraries offer engaging programs that inspire kids' love of reading. From storytimes to summer reading clubs, these activities get children excited about books in a way websites can't match. Libraries nurture the next generation of readers - we shouldn't abandon them yet.



I tend to align with Paul’s view that relationships have a greater positive effect on most people’s happiness than satisfying careers. Staying with family and friends 【动名词做主语】 can relieve our tension at work or study, and it is beneficial to our well-being. To be more specific, when we are communicating with these people that we are familiar with, we do not necessarily hide emotions and therefore can tell them the annoyance and sadness we have in recent days. Since they know our traits well, they can easilycome up with solutions suitable for us and comfort us patiently. For instance, feeling defeated after failing my math exam【现在分词做状语】, I confided in my mother. Due to her encouragement in time, I was motivated and recovered from depression. Admittedly, a satisfactory career also works as a critical part in our life. However, it is difficult for people 【形式主语】to find occupations that fulfill their requirements. For example, low salaries, isolated locations, and grumpy bosses can hinder them from achieving happiness in their careers.




本文使用了让步的写法。先写一位同学的合理性,并用to be more specific对合理之处做出进一步解释,再举出例子论证。接着用admittedly引出对另一位同学的观点让步,进一步指出另一位同学观点的不现实之处。



动名词做主语:"Staying with family and friends can relieve our tension at work or study" — 这句话通过动名词“Staying”作主语,强调与家人朋友相处的持续状态对减轻工作或学习压力的益处。

现在分词做状语:"feeling defeated after failing my math exam, I confided in my mother" — 这里使用现在分词短语“feeling defeated”作状语,描述了作者在挫败感中向母亲倾诉的情景,展现了情绪与行动的直接联系。

形式主语:"it is difficult for people to find occupations that fulfill their requirements" — 使用“it”作为形式主语,强调了找到满足个人要求的职业的难度,是对文章主题的一个扩展论证。

精彩表达:"can easily come up with solutions suitable for us and comfort us patiently" — 这句话用词精确,强调了亲近的人对我们状况的理解深度和他们提供帮助的能力。

生动形象:"low salaries, isolated locations, and grumpy bosses" — 这一列举详细描述了职业生活中可能遇到的不利因素,用词形象生动,增强了论述的说服力。

“align with”:这是一个表达赞同或一致的常用短语,用于展示作者和Paul观点的一致性,文雅而。

“come up with solutions suitable for us”:“come up with”是一个活跃且形象的表达,意味着想出或发现解决方案,与“suitable for us”结合,显示了解决方案的个性化和实用性。

“motivated and recovered from depression”:这个短语中的“recovered”传达了从消极状态到积极状态的转变,同时“motivated”提供了内在驱动力的视角。

“confided in”:表达信任和分享私人感受的动作,“confided in”是一个情感深厚且表达密切关系的词汇。