





  When dealing with academic problems,some students prefer to join a study group and discuss with other students who have the same difficulties;while others like to pay to invite a specialized tutor to help solve the problem,Which do you think is better?








  Personally,I prefer to study in a group with students who have the same difficulties.Mainly because I do believe working with those students will strengthen my problem-solving ability(观点句).Since we are faced with the same challenge,all the group members are eager to solve problems successfully.Thus we will positively communicate with each other and do our utmost to share opinions and make great efforts to figure out the better solutions together.Definitely the working process will practice our thinking ability as well as our strong will to be persistent.Also,we exchange ideas from different perspectives and thus easily come up with something new and creative.Eventually we probably will succeed in solving those problems.



  strengthen v.加强

  do one’s utmost努力做某事

  solution n.解决办法

  persistent adj.坚持的

  come up with产生(想法,观点)









  Personally,I prefer to study in a group with the students who have the same difficulties.Firstly,working with those students in a group will strengthen our ability of collaboration very well(观点1).Since it is a group work,everybody needs to learn how to collaborate with the group members especially when we are faced with something really tough and challenging.We also should learn how to be considerate and tolerant when we disagree with somebody else.Meanwhile,compared with paying a tutor,working in a group will be money-saving(观点2).And with the money saved,we are able to purchase more study materials and support our daily life expenditure better.



  collaborate v.合作

  challenging adj.挑战的

  considerate adj.体谅的,体贴的

  tolerant adj.宽容的

  expenditure n.日常花费








  Definitely I prefer to ask help from specialized tutors mainly because firstly,tutors can provide one-on-one attention tailored to the student’s specific needs and learning pace(观点1).And they often have a deep understanding of the subject matters and can offer advanced strategies and insights which undoubtedly will exert great positive influence on students’learning and help them easily overcome the difficulties.Also,tutors can work around the student’s schedule and adapt their teaching methods to suit the student’s learning style(观点2).Thus,the structured setting of a tutor session can help keep students accountable for their learning progress.Thus students’probably will learn with high quality and efficiency under the guidance of the tutors.



  tailor v.使...适应

  pace n.步伐,速度

  overcome v.克服

  accountable adj.负责的

  guidance n.指导