


  “Some people believe that university students should be required to attend classes.Others believe that going to classes should be optional for students.Which viewpoint do you agree with?Explain why.”



  First off,let's dive into the debate about whether university students should be required to attend classes.While some folks argue that it's crucial for students to be present in lectures,others contend that students should have the freedom to choose.Personally,I'm all for the idea of mandatory class attendance because it fosters a sense of responsibility and ensures that students don't miss out on valuable knowledge.


  To begin with,one compelling reason to make class attendance mandatory is that it instills a sense of responsibility in students.Heading to college is a big step towards adulthood,and part of growing up is learning to take responsibility for your actions.By showing up for classes,students are sending a clear message that they're committed to their education.This habit of accountability doesn't just benefit them academically;it also prepares them for the real world where punctuality and reliability are highly valued.


  Moreover,mandatory class attendance guarantees that students don't miss out on important lessons and discussions.Let's face it,lectures are packed with information that can't always be found in textbooks.Professors often share insights and personal experiences that enrich the learning experience.Plus,class discussions can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject matter.If students opt out of classes,they're risking falling behind and missing out on these valuable interactions.


  Now,some might argue that students should have the freedom to attend classes based on their individual needs and preferences.While I understand the appeal of this perspective,I believe it's a slippery slope.Without the structure of mandatory attendance,some students might take advantage of the system,skipping classes and falling into bad study habits.Ultimately,this could harm their academic performance and future prospects.


  In conclusion,I firmly believe that university students should be required to attend classes.Not only does it teach them responsibility,but it also ensures they don't miss out on the wealth of knowledge and discussions that take place in the classroom.While the idea of optional attendance might seem appealing,the potential risks outweigh the benefits.It's time for students to embrace the importance of showing up and making the most of their educational journey.



  这篇范文的语气比较口语化,用了一些简单的表达,比如“First off,”“Let's face it,”和“Now,some might argue,”这些都能让文章读起来更亲切,就像是在和朋友聊天一样。






  文章中用了一些好的词汇,比如“fosters,”“instills,”“opt out,”和“slippery slope,”这些词汇不仅展示了你的语言能力,还能让文章更有说服力。