雅思词汇解析(90)| 时间管理



1. deadline /'dedla?n/

n. 最后期限;截止时间

常见搭配补充:meet/ beat a deadline 赶上截限时间

e.g. Everyone’s working extremely hard to meet the deadline.

e.g. Five thousand applicants rushed to beat Wednesday’s deadline for applications.


口语话题:Describe something you do regularly to help you work or study.

e.g. One thing that I do is to prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines, so that I feel less overwhelmed when deadlines are approaching.


2. kick-start  /?k?k?stɑ:t/

v. 使快速开始;快速启动

e.g. A cup of freshly brewed coffee helps me to kickstart my morning routine and enhance my focus for the day ahead.

e.g. I always try to kickstart my Monday by beginning it with a hot cup of coffee and a jog around the neighborhood.

补充:freshly brewed 刚沏好的;


3. prioritize /pra?'?r?ta?z/

v. 优先考虑;给…优先权

常见搭配:prioritize tasks/ work / projects

prioritize A over B 优先考虑A而非B

e.g. It is important that students learn to prioritize their work

e.g. If you want to do your job efficiently, you have to learn to prioritize.


口语话题:How do you save money?

Actually, I manage to avoid making impulsive purchases by prioritizing needs over wants.

补充:impulsive adj.冲动的;草率的


4. manageable /'mæn?d??b(?)l/

adj. 容易管理的;容易对付的

e.g. Breaking up a big assignment into smaller, more manageable sections is half the battle.

e.g. It's certainly a complicated task, but manageable given sufficient time and resources.

补充:half the battle 成功的关键

额外补充:half the battle,与only、just等词连用,强调仅靠某物不足以实现预定目标  

e.g. If you want a career in show business, having talent is only half the battle—you also need to be lucky.

补充:show business 娱乐圈


