
英音 [ju:d] ;
美音 [ju:d] ;
=you had
you would
  • You'd better believe 的确,无疑
  • you'd better aux.你最好
  • You'd better (你)最好…
  • I'd like to talk with you or him 我想和你或者他谈谈
  • You'd better wear a light jacket 你最好穿薄一点的夹克
  • You'd better go see doctor about the cut 你最好找医生看看那个伤口
  • if you will 如果你愿意那样说的话
  • You are on it 就这么办了 这事就这样定了。
  • There you are 给你,拿去吧
  • I'd say you're about twenty three 我说你大概二十三岁
  • d'you 【口】=do you
  • you'd =you had; you would
  • what d'you call him n. 某某
  • what d'you call them n. 叫不出他们(或她们)名字的人;叫不出它们名字的东西
  • what d'you call her n. 某她,叫不出名字的她
  • what d'you call it n. 某东西,叫不出名字的东西
  • You pron. 1.您,你,你们 2.一个人,任何人
  • you pron. 1. 你,你们 2. 你这个,你们这些 3. 你自己,你们自己 4. 你,任何人 n. 【口】你这个人,你这样的人
  • D n. 1.字母D 2.【音】D音(C大调的第2音或音符) 3.(学业成绩)第四等,差
  • 'd had;should或would之缩写