
英音 [ju:l,jul] ;
美音 [ju:l,jul] ;
名词 你将
  • That'll teach you! 这是给你的一个教训!
  • I'll fix you Up 我会帮你打点的;我替你安排. "She lives here in the hotel," said Carl. "On the third floor. Do you want to go
  • I'll see you farther first. 我才不干呢!
  • I'll see you off at the airport 我要到机场给你送行
  • On many farms you'll find cows 你会在农场见到牛群
  • I hope you'll be well soon 我希望你很快就好起来
  • I'll see you further first. 我绝不同意。
  • You are on it 就这么办了 这事就这样定了。
  • There you are 给你,拿去吧
  • if you will 如果你愿意那样说的话
  • you'll n. 你将
  • it'll n. 它将
  • LL = Land Lines 陆上通信[运输]线
  • 'll will或shall之缩写
  • that'll =that will
  • they'll n. 他们将
  • ll ll abbr. 1.=lower limit 下限 LL abbr. 1.=Little League少年棒球联盟 ll. abbr. 1.=lines
  • he'll n. 他将
  • we'll n. 我们将
  • I'll 【缩写】 =I will