
  • ink well 墨水水池
  • As well 倒不如, 还是...的好 最好...还是(It will be As well to stop that young screamer. 但是最好还是让那个大哭大叫的孩子住声。)
  • as well as 既…又…,不仅…而且…,以及,除…外
  • as well if 做...较好
  • well as 不仅,除...外
  • and as well 以及, 又
  • As well As 也 又
  • as well 1. 同样,也,还 2. 也,一样
  • be well on vi.进行顺利
  • well then 那么
  • ink well n.墨水池
  • well adv. 1. 好,对,满意地;友好地,和蔼地;彻底地,完全地 2. 夸奖地,称赞地 3. 有理由地,恰当地 4. 很,相当 5. 好意地,关心地;注意地 6. 精通地,高明地;详细地
  • Well 很好地;满意地;成功地
  • well cultivated adj.精细耕种的
  • well dressed a.穿着讲究的
  • well ventilated a.通风好的
  • well's adj. 井的
  • well educated a. 受过良好教育的
  • well established n. 金字招牌
  • well executed adj. 俐落